Public Presentation Guidelines

Formal Presentations
Individuals desiring be placed on a City Council agenda for the purpose of formally addressing the City Council shall file a written request with the city secretary (at City Hall, 126 W. Main, 361-782-3122) not later than noon on the Thursday prior to the City Council meeting they plan attend. The written request shall include the general nature of the subject they intend to present to City Council.

Final approval and scheduling authority for a specific City Council meeting agenda rests with the mayor. The mayor will also determine if an individual request will be scheduled for discussion and action or just discussion. The city secretary shall notify any individual requester when he/she will be heard by City Council. Formal presentations may be debates between the City Council and the presenter. The City Council will listen to the individuals' presentation, may ask questions of the presenter, may make comments; and, if appropriate, may take any immediate action on matters presented.

Informal Presentations
Individuals desiring informally address the City Council may do so during the "Hear Visitors" part of a City Council meeting agenda. Informal presentations will not be debates between the City Council and the presenter. The City Council will listen to the individuals' presentation and may ask questions of the presenter; but, cannot and will not comment or take any immediate action on matters presented. If appropriate, the council will contact presenters to follow up on points raised during informal presentations.

Time Limits
To manage the public forum most effectively, speakers will be limited to a maximum of 2 minutes. If desired, speakers may also leave written backup materials with the city secretary who will ensure that the materials are distributed to the mayor and council.

Group Presentations
Group presentations are permitted, but the group leader must identify all presenters and state the topic area they will cover. Each presenter will be limited to five minutes and redundant presentations must be avoided.

Legal Considerations
Legal considerations dictate that public presentations may not be used to discuss individuals, whether they be city employees, elected officials or other members of the public. Other avenues already exist for dealing with such individual complaints.